Lead Graphic Designer

Lead Graphic Designer
Web3 Talent


Born with a knack for visual storytelling and a passion for technology, I've spent the last decade weaving these threads into a career in graphic design. My journey has taken me from mastering Adobe Creative Suite in the quiet corners of a university library, to leading UX/UI design projects for a Web3-focused platform at Metawin. Along the way, I've learned that what truly makes me great isn't just my ability to create visually stunning designs, but my commitment to crafting experiences that resonate with users. I believe that great design isn't just about aesthetics, it's about connection, and I bring this belief to every project I undertak...

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Active 10 months ago
🚀 In crypto since 2018
🌱 Member since August 2023
DigitalSketchTypographyPrintUI DesignWireframingPrototypingHTMLJavaScript
Open to Full-time
Open to Part-time
Open to Relocation
Accepts Fiat
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Why couldn't the sunflower ride its bike? It lost its petals.


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Member since August 2023